Last updated 2219 days ago

Changes Log

—– 2.9 (10 March 2019) —–
New: 404 Error Page settings under Theme Settings page
Tweak: Menu Action Button show on all devices
Tweak: Hero Section’s (style 10) featured image show on mobile option added
Tweak: Hero Section’s (style 10) responsive issues

—– 2.8.1 (21 January 2019) —–
Fixed: Some Gutenberg styling issues

—– 2.8 (26 December 2018) —–
Updated: Some demo contents
Updated: WPBakery page builder ( Compatibility with WordPress 5.0 )
Fixed: FAQ plus/minus icon changing based on the collapsing stats
Fixed: Video support on Single Video Section’s Column Switch

—– 2.7 (02 December 2018) —–
Tweak: Single Video Section (from this version you can display youtube, self hosted video.)
Tweak: Pricing Table with Tab
Tweak: Screen Features Sections
Tweak: Shop Sidebar Widgets style
Tweak: WooCommerce Checkout page design
Tweak: WooCommerce Cart page design
Fixed: WooCommerce outdated template files
Fixed: Title Section responsive issue
Fixed: Shop Page’s Title and Subtitle Settings
Fixed: Product Category Thumbnail Image on Title-bar Background
New: Text Logo options added on the Theme Settings > Header Settings > Logo
New: Post Category Title-bar Background Image Upload Field
Updated: Demo Eight contents

—– 2.6 (20 November 2018) —–
Tweak: Testimonial Shortcode
Tweak: Footer Color Change Options
Tweak: Typography Options
Tweak: Colors Options
Tweak: 404 Error Page
Updated: Demo 05 (contact page added)

—– 2.5.1 (24 October 2018) —–
Updated: Some demo contents
Tweak: Team Shortcode (linkedin, instagram field added)
Tweak: Line breaking possibilities enabled for contact information boxes

—– 2.5 (22 October 2018) —–
New: Three New landing demos added
Tweak: Some shortcode settings
Tweak: Some element’s style

—– 2.4 (18 October 2018) —–
New: Two Saas homepage added
Tweak: Button Shortcode
Tweak: Hero Section
Tweak: Some design elements
Tweak: Page Metabox options
Tweak: Dynamic global color changing option
Tweak: WooCommerce quantity input field arrow top and arrow down icon
Fixed: Navbar Layout Settings
Fixed: WooCommerce single page
Updated: Multi-page demo contents

—– 2.3 (14 October 2018) —–
New: Demo 09 Added
New: Hero Style Nine Added
New: Post Title-bar Settings
Tweak: Dynamic Color Change Options
Fixed: Multipage demo version import
Fixed: WooCommerce outdated template issue
Fixed: Title shortcode’s bottom line appearance

—– 2.2 (10 October 2018) —–
Tweak: Product archive page (Title align option added to the the Theme Settings)
Fixed: Product Single page’s banner dynamic options
Updated: Multipage demo contents

—– 2.1 (09 October 2018) —–
New: WooCommerce support enabled (Shop, Cart, Checkout Product Single pages added)

—– 2.0.1 (06 October 2018) ——
Tweak: Hero Section

—– 2.0 (06 October 2018) ——
Fixed: The page margin meta settings
Fixed: Hero Section’s issues
Tweak: Some shrotcode settings
Tweak: Design elements
Added: Blog masonry and blog grid page
Updated: Demo contents

—– 1.9 (04 October 2018) ——
Fixed: Dynamic Color Change Option
New: Seven new demo added
Updated: Demo contents in demo import options

—– 1.8.9 (04 October 2018) ——
Fixed: Comment reply form

—– 1.8.8 (04 October 2018) ——
Tweak: All JavaScript is written with “use strict” mode on
Fixed: Used the correct escaping function for dynamic string sanitization

—– 1.8.7 (04 October 2018) ——
Tweak: String translation
Fixed: Post padding issue

—– 1.8.6 (03 October 2018) ——
Tweak: Comment form design
Tweak: Search form design
Tweak: Recent post widget

—– 1.8.5 (02 October 2018) ——
Tweak: Recent Comments widget redesign
Tweak: Comment form redesigned
Tweak: Post tag and post categories redesigned
Tweak: Design accent changed to round from circle

—– (24 August 2018) ——
Fixed: Retina logo support issue

—– 1.8.4 (23 August 2018) ——
Fixed: Some responsive
Tweak: Some design
Tweak: Some styling issues

—– 1.8.3 (22 August 2018) ——
Tweak: Comment section style and some other style
New: Retina display support for logo

—– 1.8 (16 August 2018) ——
Tweak: Overall design has improved (specially the blog pages design)
Tweak: Theme Options
Tweak: Responsive view
Tweak: Unit testing

—– 1.7.1 (16 August 2018) ——
Fixed: Features section style three image icon support issue

—— 1.7 (18 July 2018) ——
Fixed: FAQ accordion if multiple section in a page
Fixed: Comment form and comment list

—— 1.6.2 (16 July 2018) ——
Fixed : Screenshot carousel (Style 5 lightbox issue)

—— 1.6.1 (10 July 2018) ——
Fixed : Gradient text color issue in Internet Explorer browser
Updated : Visual Composer v5.5.1

—— 1.6 (2 July 2018) ——
Fixed : Themify icon and Linear icon picker problem in visual composer icon field with the Appland Child Theme
Fixed : Dropdown menu appear on hover
Fixed : Screen Features section (style 02)

—— 1.5.1 (3 June 2018) ——
Fixed : Pricing Table button
Fixed : Accent color changing on Pricing Table
New: Logo custom dimensions in Theme Settings > Header > Logo

—— 1.5 (30 May 2018) ——
New : Multipage Demo
New : Dropdown Menu Added
New : Contact page template with contact 7 integration
New : Full-width page template
Fixed : Image uploading option added in pricing table
Fixed : Dynamic Color For Faq Page and Blog and Blog Single Sections
Fixed : Sub Title and Section Top/Bottom Dynamic option added in page metabox
Fixed : Testimonial shortcode (style two)

—— 1.4 (20 May 2018) ——
Fixed: Hero section buttons
Fixed: Appland-core Plugin’s translation issues
Fixed: Subscribe form placeholder text change

—— 1.3 (14 May 2018) ——
Improved: Youtube video support added to Hero section’s (style 7) background
New: RTL support.
New: WPML (multilingual plugin) support
Fixed: Some demo import errors

—— 1.2 (8 May 2018) ——
Fixed: Blog Grid Layout Page
Fixed: Hero (style seven) shortcode
Fixed: Screen Features (style five) shortcode
Fixed: Video section popup play (on home 7)
Fixed: Download section shortcode’s featured image position from bottom
Improved: Forced developer mode enabled message hide from theme option
Improved: Some css issues

—– 1.1 (05 May 2018) ——
Added: Added 7 more demo in one click demo installer
Fixed: Some responsive issues
Fixed: Visual composer shortcode iconpicker in Appland Core plugin
Improved: Color Settings
Improved: Some shortcode options

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